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Despite years of ADHD research, diagnosis remains tricky and treatment, more so-- Omega-3 fatty acids, found in flaxseed, may help reduce hyperactivity.

Wednesday,October 30th, 2013

However, Dr. Harold Levinson believes ADHD diagnosis can be more certain and treatment more effective. He offers a few simple insights: Because most individuals with ADHD fortunately do not have severe symptoms, a diagnosis based mainly on the number of concentration, hyperactivity, impulsivity symptoms evidenced omits many with this disorder from proper diagnosis and treatment. And many parents, teachers and therapists may mistakenly confuse improvements with cure and that nutrients can be as effective as medications. Similarly, teaching, emotions and frustrations may significantly alter symptom intensification--favorably or unfavorably, albeit the ADHD disorder remains the same.

Based on Dr. Levinson's 4 decades of clinical experience with thousands of ADHD and related dyslexic children and adults, he has recognized that the vast majority(>95%) have impaired balance, coordination and rhythm due to an underlying inner-ear dysfunction. And a very high percent also display overlapping dyslexic or LD and related speech, memory...symptoms and developmental delays. By factoring in the above symptoms and definitive neurological signs, often subtle, the reliability of the current diagnostic methods are dramatically increased. Also the belief that nutrients are as effective as medications is more illusion than real, although both may offer best results with less required dosages. Although many prefer nutrients to meds, it should be recognized that there is a price to pay for ineffective or inadequate treatment. And safety can be assured if medications, and nutrients too, are used in side-effect free doses and properly supervised.

Since co-existing dyslexic or LD and related symptoms complicate ADHD, the former must also be treated. Fortunately, Dr. Levinson has developed a combined therapy which maximizes total improvements for all symptoms, versus only a selected few. And he has developed more effective screening and diagnostic methods so that preschoolers can be treated early, thus preventing symptomatic severity with the onset of school, frustration and failure. The earlier treatment is initiated, the better the results since emotional scarring and impaired self-esteem are minimized or prevented.

About Harold Levinson, M.D.

Formerly Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at New York University Medical Center, Dr. Harold Levinson is currently Director of the Levinson Medical Center for Learning Disabilities in Great Neck, New York. He is a well known neuropsychiatrist, clinical researcher and author. His "highly original" research into the cerebellar-vestibular (inner-ear) origins and treatment of dyslexia and related learning, attention-deficit/hyperactivity and anxiety or phobic disorders has evolved over the past four decades. Levinson's concepts encompass the collective insights derived from the examinations, follow-up and successful treatment of over 35,000 children, adults and even seniors and have led to new methods of screening, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. His expanded theories appear capable of encompassing and/or explaining all reported symptoms as well as most other concepts and experimental data, thus resulting in a truly holistic perspective.

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