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Adult ADHD Remains Undertreated

Friday, October 18, 2013

A new European study finds that only a small proportion of adults ever receive a proper ADHD diagnosis and treatment, despite the fact that up to two-thirds of children with this disorder continue to have it into adulthood. Although the estimated incidence of ADHD is approximately 3-4 percent, the diagnostic prevalence is below 0.5 percent. That's a huge difference. Dr. Esther Sobanski, a gifted and experienced German-European expert, believes adult ADHD often disrupts peer-group relationships and may fuel parenting difficulties, contributes to poor work and academic performance, as well as a tendency towards dangerous driving habits like speeding and accident proneness in daily living. "In addition to ADHD core symptoms, patients often experience associated symptoms like emotional dysregulation, sleep disturbances or low self-esteem, as well as suffering from comorbid disorders, particularly depressive episodes, substance use and anxiety disorders," she said. Current guidelines recommend a multimodal approach for treatment of adult ADHD, including psycho-education, pharmacotherapy, disorder-oriented psychotherapy and occupational rehabilitation."New pharmacological treatment approaches not only target ADHD core symptoms but also co-morbid psychiatric disorders like alcohol use disorders or social phobia," Sobanksi noted. "However, in the European Union only two medications are approved for de novo use in adult ADHD" and the vast majority go untreated.

According to Dr Levinson, Sobanski is almost 100% correct, providing invaluable insights. In Levinson's experience, 100% of ADHD children retain this disorder into adulthood, albeit their symptoms in 1/3 of cases may not be sufficient to meet stringent and perhaps deficient diagnostic criteria. Moreover, the coexistence of dyslexia or LD as well as impaired balance/coordination being co-responsible with poor concentration for accident proneness was not stressed. Although most experts consider depression, anxiety, LD or dyslexia, clumsiness...comorbid or merely coexisting disorders, Levinson's research suggests that ADHD and all these diverse overlapping impairments are due to a common underlying primary defect within the cerebellar-vestibular (or "inner-ear") system. Many of the other so called psychosocial and behavioral symptoms were shown by Levinson's clinical research to have underlying "inner-ear" predisposing mechanisms and/or secondary responses to the neurophysiological core of ADHD.

About Harold Levinson, M.D.

Formerly Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at New York University Medical Center, Dr. Harold Levinson is currently Director of the Levinson Medical Center for Learning Disabilities in Great Neck, New York. He is a well known neuropsychiatrist, clinical researcher and author. His "highly original" research into the cerebellar-vestibular (inner-ear) origins and treatment of dyslexia and related learning, attention-deficit/hyperactivity and anxiety or phobic disorders has evolved over the past four decades. Levinson's concepts encompass the collective insights derived from the examinations, follow-up and successful treatment of over 35,000 children, adults and even seniors and have led to new methods of screening, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. His expanded theories appear capable of encompassing and/or explaining all reported symptoms as well as most other concepts and experimental data, thus resulting in a truly holistic perspective.

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